UniMoney always welcomes resumés from qualified Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch mother-tongue TRANSLATORS and INTERPRETERS, specialized in the following fields: financial, legal, information technology and journalistic.
Translators will only receive texts to be translated towards their own mother tongue and within their field of specialization.
A good knowledge of the most common IT tools, such as word processors and CAT tools, is required. Familiarity with the most common Microsoft Office programs, such as Word, Excel and Power Point, is essential. Knowledge of HTML language and other IT competencies are appreciated.
We require our collaborators to have a specific school/university preparation as interpreters.
Former experience in the sectors in which we specialize is welcomed.
UniMoney requires maximum professionalism and quality and to this end it supports their continuous training by organizing specialized seminars.
Candidates can send their detailed resumés to: job@unimoney.it
Via Tiziano, 4
21049 Tradate (VA)
VAT number - Tax code - Company register number: 03520240122
Interpreting services at the events organised by: